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In Tip#8, we discussed how to simplify your drawing by removing all those boxes around basic dimensions and making a general note that says UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE BASIC. In the 2009 revision of the standard, the rules for doing this have changed. In previous versions of the standard you could include a general tolerance on the drawing with the statement UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE BASIC. This was very confusing to readers of the drawings. This is no longer allowed. Both the 2009 and 2018 revisions of the standard states that when using UNTOLERANCED DIMENSIONS ARE BASIC to define basic dimensions, a plus/minus tolerance is not allowed in the title block or general note Y14.5-2009 [] and Y14.5-2018 [].
This has made general notes and title blocks less confusing. Make sure you follow these rules to ensure easy understanding by your readers.