Preparing for the ASME GDTP Certification Test

ASME GD&T Certification Resources

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GDTP (ASME-Y14.5) Certification Test Resources

According to, "ASME's GDTP (Y14.5) Professional Certification Program provides a means to demonstrate proficiency in the understanding and application of the geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) principles expressed in ASME's widely-applied Y14.5 Standard. Those principles form an essential element of the design language for mechanical engineering."

The trainers at Tec-Ease know what it takes to become GDTP certified, because they have successfully passed the exam. With that knowledge, we have create this page as a resources to help you prepare for the exam.

There are two levels of the GDTP Certification for each Y14.5 Standard:

  • The GDTP - 1994 Technologist level - measures an individual's ability to understand ("read") drawings that have been prepared using the language of GD&T, as defined in the Y14.5M - 1994 Standard.

  • The GDTP - 1994 Senior level - measures an individual's ability to select and apply ("write") geometric controls to drawings as defined in the Y14.5M - 1994 Standard.

  • The GDTP - 2009 Technologist level - measures an individual's ability to understand ("read") drawings that have been prepared using the language of GD&T as defined in the Y14.5-2009 Standard.

  • The GDTP - 2009 Senior level - measures an individual's ability to select and apply ("write") geometric controls to drawings as defined in the Y14.5-2009 Standard.

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